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The Inner Calm Kit
Introduction To The Self-Soothing Series
A little message for you xx (2:10)
01 Finding Calm: Waking Up Overwhelmed
Beat Your Morning Anxiety With A Mindfulness Meditation (6:09)
02 Grounding Yourself: Facing Uncertainty
Creating inner peace during uncertainty with Progressive Muscle Relaxation (7:19)
03 Creating Your Peaceful Bubble
Using the power of bubble visualization to calm your mind when feeling anxious (7:50)
04 Racing Thoughts to Restful Sleep
Difficulty falling asleep due to racing thoughts and anxiety - Bedtime story (8:05)
05 Breathing Through Financial Stress
Cope with your Financial Stress with relaxing Breathing Exercises (5:27)
06 Navigating Conflict with Self-Compassion
Dealing with Conflict with a Self-Compassion Practice (10:37)
Creating inner peace during uncertainty with Progressive Muscle Relaxation
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